This last week could have had a lot to do with that. I am totally done with Whatcom Community College classes as of a week ago Thursday. I finished my last class, went to work, ran to the Anatomy Students' BBQ at my professor's house (I know, I know, I'm a total dork) and stayed there for a while, and then headed to the Grand Ave. Since that night, we've been on the go constantly. Friday I had to run errands and work both jobs, Saturday I worked and then ran to Anacortes and then ran home and helped host a BBQ John planned. Sunday, we drove to Seattle to see Amanda, and then Kat and Carly. Monday, he spent all day at D&D while I worked both jobs, then came home and cleaned like crazy. Tuesday, I worked both jobs and cleaned and did laundry and after work I came home and packed and got the house ready for Katy to stay in it, and we ran errands on the way out of town to visit my parents. Wednesday we were at my folks' house in Yelm, giving them a little help and basically saying "goodbye" for a while. Thursday we were there until about 11 a.m. and we drove the 3 hours back to Bellingham, showered, and I went to work. Friday, I did our laundry from the overnight, ran errands, and worked 7 hours in the lab, came home, packed back up, got the house ready for Katy again and we took off to meet up with Trish in Anacortes so we could all take the ferry to Friday Harbor to meet up with LCRP and Diligence, for a weekend of crusing the San Juans. Saturday we spent the day hiking Stuart Island and sleeping in the sun on Diligence.

In this picture, I'm not sleeping, I'm knitting. About 5 minutes later, I gave up on that and decided that sleeping would be a much better idea. So, that night, we had a bunch of Black Strap rum, and as a result, my Sunday was not as great as it could have been. Apparently, I cannot handle rum anymore. I was sick and miserable as shit until about 9 p.m. yesterday, no joke. I was really bummed about it too, because I like watching the islands slide by as we motor to different places, and the weather was lovely, and I was below deck. sleeping and trying hard to keep from throwing up. By the time we got home from the trip, it was 4:30 or so, and I was sick sick sick until past 9, So I obviously didn't get anything done.
Today, I worked in the morning at the Drop and I worked from noon to 4 or so at the lab, and I'm about sick of working. I find myself looking at the schedule of my summer with a kind of sinking feeling, realizing it's really not a "summer" per se, which shouldn't surprise me because I never really have gotten a "summer" since I left High School. This is where I am whining for no good reason because I have two good jobs that I really love and I'm just being cranky about having to do work.
I also really hate Mondays. I like my morning shift at the Drop with Jonathan, but I hate hate hate that John is never available to do things that need doing on Mondays. It starts off my week making me feel like what I need isn't important, and we're behind. I realize that this is all a kind of ridiculous construct, because my standards are the only thing determining right now if we're "ahead" or "behind" schedule, but it really irks me that he literally spends 9 or 10 hours, EVERY SINGLE MONDAY, roleplaying and not getting shit done. 10 FUCKING HOURS. EVERY MONDAY. He tells me that I should be more understanding, that this is his only social engagement, and he's partly right. This is, in fact, the only PLANNED social engagement he has all week. However, if you added up the time he spent babbling about role playing, creating characters for other games he wants to start, talking to ME about the games, and talking to Chase and Nick and Max about role playing, it would probably add up to about the amount of time each week that I spend at work. And he won't let go of the idea of trying to get me to play with him. He keeps gnawing at it, like a puppy with a bone it shakes in your face all the damn time. We actually had to INCREASE JOHN'S TEXT MESSAGING PACKAGE because he kept going into overage, talking to Chase and Nick about D&D all the time.
Can you tell this is a sore spot?
So, it's been 1 week and 4 days since I finished school, and so far I haven't finished a knitting project. I did, however, read "Storm Front" and am in the middle of "Fool Moon" right now, quickie supernatural pulp detective novels by Jim Butcher, and I am going to read "Everything is Illuminated" and "Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close" after I get done with the series. I also have some Barbara Kingsolver to read, my treat for the hot hot days to come in July and August.
And now, it's time for me to stop procrastinating and go mow the damn lawn, which I said I would do when I got home and then allowed myself to sit still and be captivated by the interbuttz for an hour and a half.
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