Thursday, March 26, 2009

And I spent the majority of the morning puttering around my house. I trimmed my poor little tomato starts, which was heartbreaking, but had to be done, I'm told. (I had to go through each one of my little starters and select only the one that was thriving the most, killing the other two. So sad!) I did, however, get another big pot and replant some of them, just to see if they'll take.

I also did our budget through August, which looks pretty grim. The last $500 from our savings is going out even as we speak to pay the bills for this month. By August, we'll be in the red again, and that's being conservative and hoping our car doesn't break further, none of the dogs need another surgery, (over $600 went to our vet in March) and that our finances hold the tenuous ground they have already achieved.

I am hopeful that some of the stuff we are working towards will help a little. John is in the process of getting VR&E set up, which is a Vocational Rehabilitation and Education program through the VA for disabled Vets, which will allow him to go to school and get a monthly stipend while he is doing it. He's looking at some Civil Engineering programs, as well as Network Admin and other computer sciences. What he really wants to do is work towards a degree in Robotics, but I'm not sure how that would be accomplished or how financially viable that would be. We'll see. His first round of applications is done and his determination for program qualification came back with an order to go ahead, so we'll continue to follow this and see where it leads.

I am applying for a change of circumstance at the college to see if they would have more work study hours made available for me. My supervisors seem to like me, and I like it there. More hours there means more money and more ability to survive.

I'm headed off to my shift at the Drop, and then to Courtney's for our ridiculous "Step Up 2" movie night and dance party, just us and booze and dancing in her living room. I've been looking forward to this for weeks, as silly as it sounds.

Maybe tomorrow I'll get out to my garden! It's about time to start outside, not just my inside starters!

Also, I'm going to start a new knitting project. Armwarmers, for me, because Dexter ate my Evangeline ones.

That's all the news that's fit to print, kiddies.

1 comment:

RunnerCarol said...

It was good to see you Friday afternoon.