Once again, I got busy and my brain fried, and the blog paid the price. Not like there is a lot going on here to update you with anyway.
Well, that's not entirely true. Right now, I have the flu, which is probably the only reason I am sitting still. Tomorrow will also most likely be a day of rest and then Friday I'll be working all day.
I now have 2 jobs! I am working in the Science Prep lab at Whatcom as a work study student. I am really hoping that my bosses are not regretting hiring me right now. I wanted to work 15 hours a week, and one of the great things my bosses were excited about was that I am really reliable.
Except, I haven't been as reliable as I usually am at work. They told me when I need to leave to study I should do so, and every time I do, I feel really guilty. Well, this week, I was going to go in on Monday morning and that didn't happen because Monday became a clusterfuck of bad with John. Tuesday I worked my shift like normal, and got a good amount of stuff done. Well, today I had to call in with a 102 degree fever, and I don't even get to make the hours up on Friday because I'm working extra at the Drop so that Teri and Alex can go on a much needed vacation, their first actual vacation that is not to a coffee conference in 7 years. (I know, it's totally way past time.)
I am going to finish here and then draft an email to my bosses telling them I hope they're not sorry they hired me, and that when I get better things will get back on track and all will be well.
School is pretty hard this quarter, I still haven't found my groove and I don't know why. I feel like every week is different, and it's hard to get a good study routine going when nothing is the same. I think I'm just going to have to wrangle our home schedule to my liking and make a specific time for study every day, and the more and more I see of how this quarter is affecting John, I become a little more convinced that my study time will have to be out of the house. We'll see.
We rearranged our living room to make it more like two separate rooms, and bought a table off of Craigslist. (What did we do before Craigslist? Seriously!) We actually spent about $56 that day, and got a solid wood drop leaf table and a microwave cart, and we rearranged our kitchen and living room in a couple day long spurts that were difficult but worthwhile. We now have a new (to us) couch that was previously Jill's first new couch, which is in really good shape and much nicer than the old white monstrosity I got from that garage sale at Jonathan's building. Now, there is the TV section of the living room and the table section of the living room... somewhere to actually sit and eat like real people! I know, right? How adult of us!
Oh, and, I can't beleive I didn't write this first... I got accepted to Western for the fall. They only let in about 1/3 of the transfer students that applied, and I'm one of them! So, in the fall, I'll be going to Western to finish my undergrad in Biology, with a focus in Microbiology, and earning my secondary Ed certificate so I can be a kick ass science teacher! When John got the letter from the mailbox, he called me at work to read it to me. His voice sounded thick, like he was fighting tears, and he kept telling me how proud he is of me. It was nice to hear. I started crying, what a relief! The first stage of my education is almost done and now I'm on to the next. It's exciting, and I'm really proud of what I've accomplished, so far.
This forced inactivity is really the pits. John and I have been going to work out at the Y, and we weren't able to make it over the weekend because we had out of town guests, and then on Monday we spent our whole day fighting and yesterday I got sick. So we haven't been since Thursday, and my muscles feel achey and weird. I want to get a run in, but I won't be pushing my body until I'm without a fever for a few days.
John was joking with me about the Swine Flu, and if I had it or not. We spent some time on Sunday with Jesse at Dan and Courtney's housewarming trying to come up with a funny name for this pandemic, while Quinn was making up the "pandemic jingle" (which, btw, is pretty much just Quinn and Kat singing "Paaaaandemic, is what we NEEEED") and we couldn't come up with anything catchy. Jesse said "Pig sick" just didn't do it, and neither did "Pork Puke". Well, a couple of days ago, John turns to me out of the blue and goes "Apocalypse Sow" and a new catchphrase was born.
It's about time for me to go take my 5th nap of the day, I can feel that sitting upright for this long has worn me out.
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