Friday, January 14, 2011

and so it goes

I don't know how I got here. I don't know how I spend hours and hours and hours each day, filling my time with the things I have to do and don't come home to do anything but sleep and do homework, and end up at midnight after being awake for 19 hours, sitting dazed on my couch with an open Spanish textbook, wearing underwear I washed out in the sink this morning and dried with a hairdryer while brushing my teeth, thinking that I haven't actually washed my hair when I have showered the last 4 days.

I drove the truck to work this morning with a flat tire, thinking "Whoa, the alignment is WAY off after they put those snow tires on." I spent the morning working and then going to class while trying to figure out why my shirt was so uncomfortable, only to finally look beneath it to find that I twisted my bra today while putting it on so that one cup was inside out and both straps were twisted.

John accidentally poured his bloody mary on me at dinner, so I currently smell like tabasco and vodka.

I'm pretty sure it's time for bed.

Eventually, I will be able to pour this shit out of my head and onto this page so that I can sleep again.

1 comment:

mel said...

wow, what a day.
after that you deserve... well, hopefully you had a good night's sleep and a better day today!