Friday, November 13, 2009


Today was a totally useless waste of time. I took a Chemistry test at 8 a.m. I do not think that went well for me. I actually really liked this unit, and felt like I grasped the concepts well. However, when it came to applying all of those concepts at once in test form (like using all 5 equations I know to relate frequency, wavelength, and energy) my brain kind of froze up. I got what I feel like might be 75% of the questions right, which I'm pretty sure means I ended up with a 75% on the test. Feeling shell shocked, I headed down to the Drop and tried to come back to myself while drinking coffee out of my mug with the broken handle and watching through the big windows as people outside dodged the rapidly changing weather conditions. We had a deluge of hail, then a bucketsfull downpour of rain, and then a bright sun break that left everyone squinting up at the sky in a thoroughly confused fashion. I knew I had a break until 2, when I was scheduled to take a Math quiz, and I was kind of stuck downtown until John got done with his class, so I figured I'd call Chase and ask him if he wanted to have some breakfast with me. Eventually, both John and Chase showed up, and we walked down to Old Town for a breakfast treat. I basically ate my food and walked back up here, where I worked on my knitting and waited for time to take the bus.

O. I forgot to mention. Everything around me at work and home and school yesterday had an epic level meltdown, and the stress not only gave me a night of fitful sleep, but I woke up with morning with POUNDING anxiety, the sweaty heart racy icky kind, and HIVES. STRESS HIVES. ALL OVER MY NECK. I WISH I WERE KIDDING YOU.

I tried cortizone cream but it didn't work, so instead I took a half dose of Benedryl and have spent the day fighting off the effects of that and subsequent doses.

And now, it's time to start work.

Can we return to the regularly scheduled just before the Holidays Stephanie that is excited for Thanksgiving and Christmas and is ready for all the great stuff that comes with them?


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